
Around the House


February 2024

Nominate Local, Longstanding Businesses

Locally owned businesses are essential to the spirit of any community. It’s important to celebrate Hoosier employers that have managed the many ups and downs, and transitions that come with running a business. Indiana honors these longstanding businesses through the Governor’s Century and Half Century Business Awards.

Nominations are now being accepted for these awards, which recognize Hoosier businesses that have remained in operation for at least 100 or 50 years, respectively, and are committed to serving the community.

Eligible businesses need to meet the following:

  • The business must have had continuous operations in Indiana for more than 50 or 100 years by Dec. 31, 2024;
  • The business must have participated in the same line of work for the duration of its operations. If different, an explanation of the evolution into the current business must be provided on the nomination form;
  • The business must have had its base in the state of Indiana since it was founded;
  • The business must recognize, acknowledge and agree that it is in full compliance with the Indiana Secretary of State, Department of Revenue and the Department of Workforce Development by signing the application;
  • The business must not have previously received a Century or Half Century award from the state of Indiana. Previous Half Century award recipients may qualify for a Century award; and
  • Applications for recognition are accepted through April 12, 2024. Due diligence and application acceptance begin following the deadline.

For more information about the program, visit the Indiana Economic Development Corporation’s website here. Hoosier businesses assist in the growth of our economy and provide jobs, and should be recognized for their dedication and commitment.

College Goal Sunday

High school students heading off to college and current college students are eligible for help with the Free Application for Federal Student Aid and additional financial aid packages available on college campuses across Indiana.

Click here to locate College Goal Sunday events near you.

On Sunday, Feb. 25 Financial Aid experts will be available to help students with any questions they have regarding FAFSA as well as helping with the student’s submission.

Completing the FAFSA is a requirement to have access to federal grants and supplemental higher education institution financial aid. Applications must be submitted by April 15 to ensure eligibility. Submitting the FAFSA before the due date helps applicants get the best chance at receiving financial aid.

It is required for attendees to bring completed 2022 IRS 1040 tax returns, W-2 tax forms, and other 2022 income and benefits information to receive assistance. For a complete checklist of what documents to bring, click here.

College Goal Sunday event attendees will be eligible for a chance to win one of five $1,000 educational prizes from College Goal Sunday.

To find out more about this tool to help get a head start on your student’s FAFSA, click here

Helping foster children find homes

Indiana is home to thousands of children in foster care, waiting to either be reunited with their family or to find another permanent home.

Many of our foster children were removed from their home through a child in need of services case, which is a juvenile court case brought forward from the Indiana Department of Child Services for children who have experienced abuse or neglect from their guardians.

As DCS and the court work to find the best solution for the child, they could be in foster care for months or even years until the case is resolved.

To help these children find a home faster, a bill which recently passed unanimously out of the Indiana House of Representatives would help expedite the process.

The bill would require DCS to have a secondary permanency plan ready in CHINS cases where the child has been removed from the home for 12 out of 22 months. 

Currently, DCS is not required to have a secondary permanency plan in place alongside the initial reunification plan in most CHINS cases. This is an issue that adds time to an already long process because a new plan for another permanent home must be developed.

This bill could reduce the time in court for CHINS cases and help waiting children find their new home faster. Other states already require concurrent planning, some even as early as day one of the child’s removal.

House Bill 1310 now heads to the Indiana Senate for consideration. To learn more about the bill and other legislation, visit

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