
Around the House


June 2024

Celebrating Independence Day

Across the state, Hoosiers are preparing to celebrate our country’s independence with family and friends, and our state parks offer great events to add to your holiday plans.

The Indiana Department of Natural Resources is hosting several fireworks shows on July 6. In Southern Indiana, Hoosiers can see Thunder Over Patoka or a fireworks display at Versailles State Park. In Central Indiana, you can visit the Cecil M. Harden Lake for a cornhole tournament and fireworks. In Northern Indiana, visit Pokagon State Park to see fireworks by the Lake James Association.

Click here to see a full list of holiday events hosted by the DNR.

If you’re planning to celebrate at home, the Indiana Department of Homeland Security offers many safety tips:

  • Make sure to only purchase consumer fireworks, unless you have a license to use display fireworks, which are more powerful and should only be used in professionally licensed shows;
  • Be considerate of neighbors who may have pets; and
  • When lighting the firework, only ignite one at a time and never re-light a “dud.” While enjoying the show, be sure to have a fire extinguisher or water supply on hand in case one of the many sparks lights grass, leaves or other objects on fire. After the firework is finished burning, douse them in plenty of water to avoid a trash fire.

Click here to see helpful fireworks safety tips.

No matter where you are this Fourth of July, be safe and have fun!

New Investments Boosting, Growing Indiana’s Economy

According to the state’s latest financial report, Indiana is running strong with a balanced budget, healthy reserves and AAA credit rating. Indiana also ranks seventh lowest in the nation in debt per capita.

Our top-ranked business climate, ideal location and strong workforce continue to be a magnet for future-focused companies and businesses – meaning more jobs and economic opportunities for local communities.

Indiana is headed into yet another year of record-breaking commitments for capital investments. In April, Amazon Web Services announced their plan to invest $11 billion to build a data center campus in New Carlisle, which will bring at least a thousand jobs. This planned investment marks the largest capital investment announcement in Indiana’s history. The new data centers will contain computer servers, data storage drives, networking equipment, other forms of technology infrastructure used to power cloud computing capabilities and generative artificial intelligence technologies.

Recently, state leaders also broke ground on a new $100 million Toyota manufacturing facility in Columbus, expanding on the company’s headquarters campus and bringing in over 80 jobs.

Both of these investments will expand job opportunities, grow incomes, and boost our local and state economies. Indiana’s continuous economic momentum is elevating Hoosier workers, families and businesses.

To learn more about these recent investments and why Indiana is the best place to grow and start a business click here.

Empowering Hoosier Parents, Students

More Hoosier families than ever before are using Indiana’s Choice Scholarship Program to choose the best educational option for their students.

During the 2023-2024 academic year, a record number of 70,095 students used Choice Scholarships to attend the school that best fits their needs, whether that’s a traditional public school, private school, homeschool or other options.

Scholarships are worth up to 90% of a student’s public school tuition funding and are available to nearly 97% of all Indiana families. That ranks Indiana among the top three states nationally on the Parent Power Index with one of the largest and fastest-growing Choice Scholarship Programs.

Applications for Choice Scholarships are now open for the 2024-2025 school year at The deadline to apply is Sept. 1. Frequently asked questions about the program are available here.

Capturing Indiana Agriculture in Photos

Applications are now open for the annual Indiana Agriculture Photo Contest hosted by the Indiana Department of Agriculture.

Indiana is known for agriculture, both for its contributions to our economy and its eye-catching landscapes. 

To capture the powerful testament of our hardworking communities and the contributions of Hoosier farmers, up to five photos showcasing any of the five categories, On the Farm, Faces of Agriculture, Agritourism and Conservation, may be submitted for selection.

Submissions are due on June 30, 5 p.m. EST and will be evaluated on creativity, composition and category representation. Each photo must be submitted with an entry form, which can be found here.

A total of 10 winners will be selected – two from each category and two overall winners – and will be recognized during a ceremony at the Indiana State Fair.

For more information, visit the Indiana Agricultural Photo Contest page on the Indiana Department of Agriculture website.

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