What is Hoosier hospitality? Is it a kind gesture? The willingness to help others? Volunteering?

Hoosier hospitality is all of these and so much more. The vast majority of Hoosiers are genuine, down-to-earth people, and we’re proud to be recognized nationally and throughout the world for our kindness.

The holiday season is a great time for our Hoosier hospitality to really shine. By sharing our blessings, lending a helping hand, reaching out neighbors and volunteering, we can continue to live up to our reputation.

The gift of time is perhaps the most precious of all. For those looking for ideas to help others this holiday season, consider volunteering at a local nursing home, participating in the Big Brothers Big Sisters of America program, or helping at an area food pantry or soup kitchen.

We can also gift a tree to members of the United States Armed Forces through the Christmas Spirit Foundation or adopt a military family for the season through Operation Christmas Spirit. Help Hoosier children in need through the Salvation Army Angel Tree or Toys for Tots. Also, you can help homeless shelters in your area by donating food, clothing or supplies.

This year, we welcomed over 6,500 Afghan refugees into our state. Many of them arrived with only the clothing on their backs. The Indiana House of Representatives, through our Together We Care initiative, is collecting donations for refugees, many of which are children. Donation bins are located around the Statehouse. 

Hoosiers have a rich history of giving – whether it’s their time, money or other resources. Helping our neighbors in need is contagious and kindness can spread like wildfire. This holiday season and beyond, let’s show the world what Hoosier hospitality is all about.